Quiet Pride

Coaching for Overwhelmed Small Business Owners and Executives

Have you ever felt “cast” in a role you never auditioned for in life?

As if your costume (work attire) doesn’t really “fit”?

Statistically, 80% (Deloitte) of Americans do not find the career path they are on to be fulfilling.

How did this happen?

”The Retirement Plan Model” (RPM) we are “taught” in our schools. 

What is the RPM

Get an education, land a job, buy a dog and make two kids, trade time for $$$, pay half in taxes, climb the ladder, build an IRA, and then retire to pursue the lifestyle you always wanted.

Does this factor in no one is even guaranteed tomorrow?

Will you be capable of doing everything you put off when you are 70 years old?


“The RPM creates cogs in a wheel.  That wheel uses you, wears you out, and will replace you in a nanosecond.” – Chris Sankey


Then, the day comes when you look at the life you created and have a “Now what?” moment.   

Why am I doing this with my life?

A “Now what?” moment, if not addressed, increases anxiety, and stress, and leads to unhealthy lifestyle decisions (obesity, drugs/alcohol, laziness).  Eventually leaving you depressed and trapped in the life you’ve created. 

So why don’t people do something about it?

1.    We have Over-Complicated Everything

We are surrounded by quick fixes and band-aid solutions for ‘bleeding neck’ problems. These solutions lack fulfillment and purpose, which require more than a topical treatment.

Surrounded by a mirage of the newest techniques, secrets, shortcuts, and trends have an appeal in a quick-fix/pill-popping culture.  The problem is that they rarely last and usually keep us stuck. 

Finding the content-that- works in an age of copy-that-sells is an exhaustive process with discouraging returns and keeps us in a state of inaction.

This Research-Loop Trap is nasty and hard to break free from because most people don’t know they’re caught.


How do you break out of the trap?

1.    Create a Results-Loop vortex.

While many marvel at success stories, motivational and inspirational videos (see the number of views on YouTube under Motivation), they do not address the real underlying problem:

What do I do first?  How do I start?

Quiet Pride™ was created to help you START taking the ACTIONS for creating a fulfilling life that is WORTH the Work.

  1. We re-calibrate your mindset to “Start the Doing”.

“ACTIONS – the rest is just noise.®” – our founding Principle.



  1. We act as your Encouragement, Accountability to Result partner guiding your actions, making important decisions, and overcoming the obstacles on the way.


  1. We provide the Principles and Concepts to accelerate your progress toward the remarkable results you deserve in a life that’s Worth the Work.

“Principled Conduct by Individual Citizens is the lasting guarantor of American Prosperity.”

– Chris Sankey, Founder – Quiet Pride

How do we coach, guide, and support you?

Our proprietary E.A.R. system:

  1. ENCOURAGEMENT – most rarely get it.
  2. ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER – yes, it is hard to admit we may benefit from a coach/partner.
  3. RESULTS – progress is the metric, and lasting results are the purpose.

What is Authentic Confidence?

Authentic Confidence is not relative to outcome, obstacles, or opponent.  It is deliberate practice to the point of subconscious mastery and categorical belief in your own skills.

Why is Authentic Confidence critical to consistent peak performance? 

  • Lack of confidence allows our inner dialogue to create anxiety BEFORE anything has even happened.
  • Lack of confidence is why we worry too much about what others think.
  • A lack of confidence is what allows one “mistake” to sabotage results.
  • A lack of confidence is what keeps us focused on things outside of our control.

Our Purpose is to guide you in replacing self-doubt with No Doubt so you can optimize performance and create your version of a life that’s Worth the Work.

International Association of Positive Psychology Coaches